
#10 Bring on the Heat!

       Spring is quickly coming to an end for those of us living in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. That means switching from months of beautiful days beginning with blissful, crisp, dewdrop mornings to searing temperatures that leave you feeling like you have been broiled for hours in the oven. Although the blistering heat has its advantages, such as perfect pool temperatures, impeccable nighttime festivities, and rejuvenating days on the lake, it can become quite overwhelming when the summer drones on without a break from the fire.       Even though we may be lathered in sticky, smelly perspiration for weeks on end, the summer also brings one of the most magical events I have ever witnessed.        The sky explodes as burning arrows jet across the horizon, demolishing everything they contact.       A low rumble begins in the distance, followed by the deafening crack of the whip exclaiming the lightning's dominance of the earth.              Monsoon                     Season… 

#9 Fueling Up The Right Way

       The temptation is often sickeningly overwhelming. Grocery shopping has become a battle of willpower for many people. The simple task to obtain nutritious sustenance to keep our bodies functioning is now a war zone against prominent retailers and their devious tactics. Every aisle has an endcap overflowing with preservative-filled, chemical-laden, pre-packaged “food” items. The ingredient lists are filled with unpronounceable jargon that the average person can not decipher. They draw you in with brightly colored packaging and advertisements showcasing big smiles of healthy individuals.                              BUT…..                       Are these actual “food” items?       The human body needs a regular source of vitamins and minerals to live. In fact, when the body does not receive these requirements, it will scream out, begging for natural, fruit of the earth, nutritious food.  Lack of Energy            Obesity                      Sickness                          

#8 Guardian for a Lifetime

       I have a dinosaur that inhabits the east side of my backyard. He is a slow-moving, grumpy old man that only comes out of hiding between April and October. Short, elephant-like stumpy legs protrude from a large basketball-sized disc covered in hexagons shaded in greens and browns. A long serpent-like neck supports a bulbous head that stretches out for beady black eyes to stare you down. He has emerged from a six-month hibernation ravenous for a meal consisting of dark leafy greens and topped with bright crimson, juicy strawberries.       This demanding, minuscule but giant reptile is named Yertle. He is a loved companion that wandered into my family's life around 2009. The nation was in a recession, and our neighborhood had become desolate due to the many empty homes facing foreclosure. I had just arrived home after driving two hours in the scorching heat following a grueling 12-hour shift at the hospital. Dusk was setting in as I pulled into the driveway, and as I in

#7 Fresh, A Look Inside America's Food Nightmare

       The film Fresh is a 2009 documentary about America’s food system. It focuses on agriculture and the sustainability of our current production structure.       Watching the film, I witnessed horrendous living conditions for chickens, cows, and pigs. In the movie, a couple running a manufacturing farm for chickens is partnered with “The Company.” The actual name of this company is never released. During the interview, the couple states they have no idea what is in the grain the chickens are being fed. They also state how the chickens have their beaks and claws removed to prevent injuries.            While watching in horror, I see this couple refer to their partner, “The Company,” often stating that if the business is not run to “The Companies” liking, they will be cut off even though they had recently renewed a seven-year contract. The businesswoman is very matter-of-fact when describing how the goal is to fatten up the chickens as quickly as possible and does not seem faz

#6 Shimmering Bunny Hops

       It feels surreal that here we are approaching yet another holiday. Easter will be here in just over a fortnight, and it seems like Christmas was just yesterday. Easter is not only sentimental to me for religious reasons, but it also fills me with a sense of magic for the children. I love being able to create a world of enchantment and wonder for the kids. Each holiday brings something special to treasure; a unique memory made and filed into the rolodex of our lives.            Easter in my house is full of buttery soft, melt in your mouth, decadent chocolates hidden away inside a rainbow of pastel plastic eggs, scattered throughout, indoors and outdoors, waiting to be found. Although our daughter is sixteen now, I still adhere to the traditions I began so many years ago. If it were possible to turn back the clock's hands, reliving the toddler years of our darling princess, I would grab that opportunity faster than a hummingbird's wings.       Reminiscing a particu

#5 No Thank You Mr. Raccoon

     Watching a middle-aged man roll around in an attic with greasy black make-up encircling his eyes, wearing a crisp black suit, and shredding the insulation is one of my favorite Allstate Mayhem Commercials. I giggle every time I hear him say in a monotone voice, straight-faced, “I’ve already had like four babies.”       The video starts rolling inside an attic void of light. The “Raccoon” is spotlighted as he smugly informs you throughout the short clip that he’s enjoying doing whatever he wants.       Allstate does a great job with their Mayhem Commercials bringing comedy to the tragic events that can affect our lives. The Raccoon Mayhem Advertisement is aimed towards all homeowners and their need for Homeowners Insurance. They bring to life the devastation pests can cause for property owners. Watching “Mayhem” tear the dingy yellow insulation foam to shreds and then panning out to him lounging about, snacking on the dense fibers claiming he’s had “the best week of his

#4 Final Score: Lemon Marmalade 0, Me 1

              The mornings have had a nice brisk bite to them lately, but by lunch, the temperature has warmed up just enough to peel off the layers to reveal my grim, pale legs and shoulders in desperate need of sunshine. Looking out my window and seeing the hummingbirds flitting around the yard, splashing in the fountain, and sucking out the nectar on my deep burgundy rose blooms, I have an urgent need to be productive while celebrating the new beginnings of Spring.       Glancing across the kitchen, my eyes stop on the aluminum pressure cooker, covered in a thin layer of dust and hiding on the top back corner of the refrigerator. On a whim, I purchased the intimidating contraption almost a decade ago. Sadly, I have only used it once a year when it gets filled with saltwater and stuffed with spicy red onions, garden-fresh sticky rosemary, halved whole garlic cloves, and all the citrus varieties I can find with a twelve-pound turkey to brine for 24-36 hours.       Staring at the po