#5 No Thank You Mr. Raccoon

    Watching a middle-aged man roll around in an attic with greasy black make-up encircling his eyes, wearing a crisp black suit, and shredding the insulation is one of my favorite Allstate Mayhem Commercials. I giggle every time I hear him say in a monotone voice, straight-faced, “I’ve already had like four babies.” 

    The video starts rolling inside an attic void of light. The “Raccoon” is spotlighted as he smugly informs you throughout the short clip that he’s enjoying doing whatever he wants. 

    Allstate does a great job with their Mayhem Commercials bringing comedy to the tragic events that can affect our lives. The Raccoon Mayhem Advertisement is aimed towards all homeowners and their need for Homeowners Insurance. They bring to life the devastation pests can cause for property owners. Watching “Mayhem” tear the dingy yellow insulation foam to shreds and then panning out to him lounging about, snacking on the dense fibers claiming he’s had “the best week of his life”, brings to light how fast disaster can happen. People typically do not take the time to drag out a ladder, climbing up into the attic, to check on things. America has become a culture of only doing the tasks required, often failing to follow through with prevention. 

    Acting out the nuisances such as chewed wires, holes in walls, and infestation from reproducing vermin is a hilarious way to discuss the topic of protection, without putting a person into panic mode, stressing on the what if’s the future holds. Allstate is also selling their product without boring the viewer to death with the stagnant black and white adulting responsibilities. 


    Mayhem “Raccoon” is shown manically ripping out wires, and then the screen flashes quickly in electrical sparks as he gets closer and closer to the viewer, with a flat menacing look. Allstate takes this moment to inform the viewer that if they buy their insurance with the “Fifteen Minute Car Insurance Companies,” they will be left covering the costs of repair themself. 

                                                What a way to induce a quick flutter of anxiety! 

    Allstate is telling the viewer that although the unexpected can happen at any time, it’s not the end of the world. By being responsible and having Homeowners Insurance with them, the consumer doesn’t need to worry because Allstate will take care of the problem and make the world right again, as seen by Mayhem leaving the residence and leisurely strolling down the street dusting off his shoulders. 
    The video begins by telling and showing all the ways a pest can wreak havoc on your life, slowly building concern for what may be lurking in the dark corners. Allstate eases your mind by letting the consumer know they are the best option for protecting assets. The video then ends on a dark black screen with the Allstate Logo, slowly highlighting the products they offer and ways to contact them. 

                                                                                                                                        Smart thinking! 

     Allstate is quite clever to focus on one area throughout the commercial and then ending with the revelation that they have you covered throughout the many aspects of your life needing protection.


  1. Hey Jennifer! Got to say I LOVE how many photos you included in this blog! You did a great job at not only analyzing the commercial but describing why it was a favorite of yours. I actually laughed myself as I imagined the exact monotoned voice you're talking about. This was a definite favorite of mine!

  2. Hello Jennifer,

    I really enjoyed your analyses on the Allstate Mayhem commercial. I liked how you described your observations thoroughly and add photos to help visualize your analyses.

  3. Hello,
    I think your descriptions of the ad made me really connect and understand what the whole point was of it and what it was trying to tell the viewer. The photos also helped me understand the concept even more. Giving your opinion also made me think of what I might've been thinking the ad was about and even opened my mind to new suggestions.

  4. Jennifer,
    You've developed a power visual rhetoric in this post. The clever switching between the racoon images and the images of Allstate's Mayhem is exceptionally effective. You accurately captured the tone and feel of the commercial while including playful personal commentary. Well done!

  5. The Allstate mayhem commercials are so nostalgic, for I remember seeing these ads as super bowl commercials back in 2010. Allstate does a great job appealing to the audience and having a light humor approach on fearful situations.


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