#6 Shimmering Bunny Hops


    It feels surreal that here we are approaching yet another holiday. Easter will be here in just over a fortnight, and it seems like Christmas was just yesterday. Easter is not only sentimental to me for religious reasons, but it also fills me with a sense of magic for the children. I love being able to create a world of enchantment and wonder for the kids. Each holiday brings something special to treasure; a unique memory made and filed into the rolodex of our lives. 
    Easter in my house is full of buttery soft, melt in your mouth, decadent chocolates hidden away inside a rainbow of pastel plastic eggs, scattered throughout, indoors and outdoors, waiting to be found. Although our daughter is sixteen now, I still adhere to the traditions I began so many years ago. If it were possible to turn back the clock's hands, reliving the toddler years of our darling princess, I would grab that opportunity faster than a hummingbird's wings. 

    Reminiscing a particular Easter morning pops forefront in my mind reminding me of a moment of utter bliss for our beautiful girl. 

    We are awakened to giggles as the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps race to the front door in anticipation, followed by a sharp, high-pitched squeal that erupts out of the tranquil silence. Moments later, the bedroom door is thrust open, and a bouncing two-foot tornado has squeezed herself in between my husband and me. The words spill from her mouth in a shrill jumble, letting us know a visitor had stepped inside sometime during the night.

    We tumble out of bed, and on the way to a steaming cup of caffeinated delight, our little miss begins dancing and pointing to a luminous set of tracks scattered across the floor. Faint impressions of oversized, fluffy bunny footprints glisten in the soft glow of the early morning light. We follow our visitor's prints from her easter basket to the doorway, and upon opening the front door, we stare in amazement as the trace of his presence works its way down the sidewalk, slowly disappearing at the edge of the driveway. 
    The joy and fascination overwhelming our innocent toddler that morning as she proclaimed, 

            “He Came! ” 

was enough to bring about a tradition to be continued for many years, and hopefully generations, into the future.

    If there are little ones running circles in your home I highly recommend adding bunny tracks to your Easter morning.  Here is a simple DIY from Tidbits and Twine to get you started.  For that extra pop of sparkle I like to add a few shades of different colored sugars to the flour mix.  


  1. Hello,

    I loved your blog about the shimmering bunny hops (what a cool and great idea for the little ones) I am so trying this for our 3 year old.

    Your daughter is adorable and seeing her look at the bunny tracks is so precious.

    Thanks for sharing and giving this great idea!

  2. This is such a cute idea! I do not have children yet, but my partner and I definitely want them. I am always thinking of cute ideas and adventures to do with my future little ones, and this is one of them! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. I love this idea! Your daughter is so cute! Did your neighbors say anything about the footprints? Do you think you will repeat this in the fallowing years?

    1. I actually have done this for many neighbors over the years!
      My daughter has woken up to bunny prints every year since she was about 4, she is now 16. Life is so serious so I do what I can to help keep the magic alive.

  4. Hello,
    I have never seen this idea or matter of fact any ideas like this for Easter. I know many people do not celebrate or make it a big deal but I think it is awesome how you still managed to incorporate it into your family and share that experience with your daughter. It could possibly even become a tradition. Happy Easter!

  5. I remember waking up early in the mornings with a burst of energy looking for the Easter bunny! I was so excited to receive my basket and especially hunt for eggs. Holidays like Easter are filled with joy and love; that is why we are here on this earth to create positive memories.

  6. I love the bunny print idea! I work at a daycare and previously a preschool, and we used to paint little footprints all the time for Christmas (elves) and for St. Patrick's Day! This makes me miss being young and stress-free. The only worry in the world was finding more Easter eggs than my younger brother! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  7. Hello,
    I love the idea of the bunny's footprints! I had never heard or seen anyone do that before, it is so creative and sounds like it would be so much fun. Reading about how important Easter is to you and your family and how you celebrate it was enjoyable to read. I really like that this is a tradition for you and your family and hope it continues for a long time.

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