#3 Enjoying an Eye Popping Delicacy to Freshen Up


    Holding the firm puck of a container in my hand, I give it a shake and listen to the rumble of hardened treats bouncing back and forth.  Pondering whether to enjoy just one or maybe a few as I pop open both lids flanking the top. 

                                        One or many….?                            


        Perhaps I should play it safe this time.


    Clicking the lid as it glides open on the hinge, I gently flip the container over.  A single dose of winter wonderland settles into the groove stopping a mess of tablets from pouring out of the hole.  It feels solid, like a round pebble with sharp edges along the top and bottom.  Acting quickly, I pop it in my mouth, awaiting the consequences of my actions.  


                                  Will it burn?  

        Will tears flow from the corners of my eyes, making my eyelashes glisten as this morning's mascara creates a trail down my cheeks?


    On the tip of the tongue, my mouth salivates with a slightly sour taste.  I flick the delicacy to my back taste buds while it clinks against my teeth.  Breathing in slowly, I can picture myself having just hiked to the top of a mountain on a crisp morning as a brisk wind tickles across my nose.  

    The cool, burning sensation spreads through my nasal passages and into my lungs, bringing them on high alert with the sharp inhalation of freshness.  My sinuses feel purified of the environment's allergens, and my chest rises, opening fully to take in a deep breath.  My mouth is now watering intensely, requiring me to swallow.  The spicy juice slides down my throat, and I am invigorated with a rush of endorphins.  Unable to hold back any longer, I crunch down into the silky morsel.  It bursts into tiny particles which swiftly dissolve into nothingness.  


                I am left smirking to myself.  


    This delicacy is just the pick-me-up needed when it's been a sweaty, back-bending day filled with chores!  Too bad the rest of me doesn't feel this fresh.  Oh well, I guess it's time to shower. 

                                   Hmm,  maybe I'll enjoy another piece as the steam swirls around me. 


  1. This was so so so great! Your description was like, am I reading about mint or am I reading about a beautiful ice dance show. Your visuals are also very clever.

  2. I loved your mint blog! The visual and descriptive words always, keep me engaged. I haven't figured out what mint you are referring to, I am not a mint person at all.

  3. Whenever I eat anything minty, it never really burns, but rather freezes whenever I try to drink a glass of water soon afterward.

  4. I enjoyed reading your blog. I like how you described everything beautifully. I think most of us, whenever we bite into a mint, we get a sensation of cool, brisk, snowy freshness that we can all relate to. This quote here from your blog depicts that same sensation we can all relate to. "I can picture myself having just hiked to the top of a mountain on a crisp morning as a brisk wind tickles across my nose." The mint you described in your blog is an icebreaker. Right?

    Kevin Covarrubias

  5. This whole entire blog about a minty experience is so refreshing! I just love how your pictures and details provide the reader a clear understanding. The internal questioning is a great addition to provide detail and make the reader ponder about what is happening during this whole experience.


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