#1 Who knew! Blogs aren't just my pre-teen diary I hid under the bed!


    Before starting this venture of online blogging I was still under the impression that all blogs were an online diary where people posted to share their life with friends and family. The last time I looked at a blog, that I am aware of, was probably around 2005 when I was a stay at home mom searching for ways to occupy my time productively and connect with others in my geographical area. Every site I came across consisted of DIY’s, arts and crafts, recipes, and cleaning hacks. Now coming back around to see the changes in 2021 I realize how wrong my opinion was. Blogs can cover every subject imaginable from sports and fashion to news and biographies, supplying every member of society insurmountable amounts of knowledge. While scanning and researching through handfuls of blogs I was surprised to come across so many from companies that I had priorly considered just a normal website. It hadn’t dawned on me that these sites were in fact blogs until I really paid attention to the content being delivered. 

    For example, The Huffington Post is a name well known to me in the past for their newspaper. I like that their blog still carries the same content and reads like a newspaper, although, the black and white color schematic throughout seems a bit boring. They still carry the professional attitude of informing the public and the site is well organized. At first view there is a toolbar across the top showing the main categories but if you open up the side bar they take it a step further by breaking each main category down into more detailed subcategories. This makes it quite easy to navigate, especially when every article is separated by the subject and posted in order of published date and time. Throughout the blog there are many thumbnail pictures listed which will take you straight to an article by a single click of the mouse. This is fantastic for a quick change when it’s time for a break from the redundant news articles and you are in need of a little fashion update or entertainment gossip. The most impressive aspect though, is how inclusive they are for offering International Links on the bottom of the side bar allowing everyone worldwide the same information in their native tongue. 





👈👈👈 How cool is this!!!!!


    Moving on I stumbled across a smaller blog that caught my eye called We Heave Ho. They are all about home décor redesign and organization which is right up my alley. (I am a touch OCD and love having order. In other words, try to drive my family Crazy!!! LOL) The special effects of pictures tumbling across the screen or sliding horizontally as you scroll down the page caught my attention and the inner child in me had to repeat the process of watching the screen dance over and over. Although there is a main author it is also composed by a community of authors sharing a range of information in regards to decorating and organizing. The aim to inspire and inform the reader is easy to take in when partnered with the natural tones and simple font mixed along with few fancy curly que words. The professional atmosphere leaves you with a feeling of peacefulness. Although the categories are pretty basic, I do like the fact that they are clearly defined. Unfortunately, the abundance of articles is pretty slim and the number of videos linked to You Tube feels unbalanced but the potential I see for this site is enormous! 


really need to  
see this!



    Finally, I ended my journey swimming through the mass amounts of links by daydreaming about tropical weather and clear blue water while viewing the Hand Luggage Only blog. This stunning site was started by two college guys who love to travel and wanted to share their passion with others who felt the same. Although it is more of a personal blog in regards to the tone and language of their posts they still share quite a bit of interesting facts about the places they have visited over the years. The professional quality photos placed against a crisp white background helps to make the images jump off the screen and I love how they share their personal interests while joking around as you browse. It helps you to connect and feel like you are visiting with a friend. It was hard for me to ignore some of the grammatical errors with redundant wording since it’s a bit of a pet peeve for me but the since they made it so simple to find different location information based off an alphabetized list made up for it. I do wish that they would fix how some pictures act like links when you mouse over them but then do nothing when being clicked. This really it makes you wonder if your computer is having a connection issue. All in all, Hand Luggage Only is a beautiful blog that inspires others to get out and explore the world. I am in awe of their voyages and realizing how much I miss traveling pre-Covid! 


Ready to run away yet...



    I never ever thought that I would be a blogger. It just seemed silly since we have so many social media websites and apps available now. I can now see clearly why someone would prefer this way of sharing information. Instead of being overwhelmed by the worlds agenda I would much rather limit my intake to the things that make me happy and spark my interest. Being able to search out specific topics on any category imaginable and choose the tone that it is delivered to me is quite heavenly. Who would have thought Blogs would ever make me consider dropping Facebook or Instagram to get my fix! They definitely have a more sophisticated air about them compared to other options. Hmmm…. Sitting outside enjoying the ambiance of nature with a nice glass of iced tea, wine, maybe coffee? Maybe this blogging thing isn’t so bad. Who knows maybe the inspiration I’m feeling may encourage a future of in-depth conversations and new experience!

Ahhh the dream...
Wish this was mine but maybe one day!


  1. Hello Jennifer,
    I enjoyed reading about how this assignment changed your view on blogs. It was interesting to read about your feedback and reasonings as to why you felt that way. I was not aware The Huffington Post had a different language section. I loved the name of this entry it was unique and intriguing. I agree with your opinion on blogs being addicting and having a tendency to make you fall down a rabbit hole of information.

  2. Hello Jennifer,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. It was full of humor and your content was detail and organized. Your title was awesome and completely agree with your analysis of thinking a blog was similar to a diary. I had never read blogs until this class and agree that you can become addicted to content and going down the rabbit hole of information. I spent hours reading some of the blogs. Great work!

  3. Hi Jennifer!
    First off, great blog! This was a great read and pretty informative, I definitely want to check out the home decor blog! I loved the pictures included and the way you let your personality show through on your writing and organizing of the blog. Can't wait to read future post from you, I definitely see this blog taking off!

  4. Hello Jennifer. I too had the same thought process of what blogging was. I thought they were all diaries, but they are actually very interesting and creative. Some grab my attention and some teach me new thing I have never heard about.


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